500 Tamal Plaza, Suite 517 Corte Madera, California 94925

(415) 302-0205


Welcome to Christine Law Coaching


"I coach athletes from beginner to elite, to improve posture, movement, and attitude by integrating exercise, nutrition, and neurology so they can reach their highest potential in life."

After working in the medical field for several years and feeling injured and tired "all the time" as the result of my busy and stressful lifestyle, I knew I needed to find a better approach to wellness.  I realized that "modern medicine" really only treated symptoms and was not looking to the reasons why. Meanwhile, everyone around me was getting less healthy and more broken down. 

So I went on a journey to investigate techniques that were old, new, and cutting edge to discover which of these were most valuable for me to create an optimal way of eating, exercising, and thinking for me to be more effective at living in a fast paced world.

My journey has taken me from Athletes' Performance for movement  to Paul Chek for nutrition, to Guy Voyer for posture, and to Jose Palomar for the stunning world of neurology. What I discovered led me to optimize my own health and fitness. 

I now live an active, vibrant, healthy lifestyle and since 2002, I've had the privilege of partnering with my clients to create custom programs that support them in meeting the demands of not only their fitness, but of life itself. 


Fitness Coaching

In coaching my clients to optimal health and fitness, thank of me as a partner in your quest for weight loss, sports conditioning, balance/flexibility, and posture. 

I'll show you how to think about your entire body in "movement patterns" versus just muscle groups.

The often overlooked primal movement patterns of: Squat, Lunge, Bend, Push, Pull, Twist, and Gait are the foundations of the work I do to support clients in corrective programs, postural programs, sports conditioning, and weight loss.

Some of the tools I use include:

  • Posture Analysis
  • Cardiovascular Screen
  • Kinetic Chain Assessment
  • Comparative Flexibility
  • Core Assessment
  • Motor Control Analysis

We start by creating an individualized assessment to figure out where you are now and which of these tools makes sense to get you where you want to go. 

All of my programs included showing you the link between your nutrition, your physical activity and the power of your neurology.

It ALL begins with us having a conversation about where you are now and where you want to be.  Call or email me at (415) 302-0205 or Christine @kinetic-hpg.com

Nutrition Coaching

When we combine an exercises program with a customized nutrition program, you'll have the ability to supercharge your vitality and your energy. 

I focus on creating a nutritional rhythm that works for my clients specific lifestyle. I'll show you how to create habits that support your long term health and that are easy to do.

The principles from which I coach deal wit hate health and vitality of the gut as well as food quality, sleep quality, movement quality, and recognizing the importance of rest as a component of training. 


The French have a saying - "mies-en-place" which translates to "everything in its place"...   Think about a chef in a busy restaurant kitchen...it's almost like a ballet. In order for them to be efficient and effective they have to have everything "at hand" to be able to do what they do so well.   While you don't have to have aspirations to be a French chef, I'll show you how to stock your kitchen, shop in a way that works, give you some basic meal prep skills, simple meal plans and come up with a list of basic items and equipment you will need "at hand" to create your own "mies-en-place" so you can be successful in regularly preparing delicious meals that support your wellness.  

Contact me for a more detailed description of this service. Christine@kinetic-hpg.com.

Neuromuscular Reset (P-DTR)

Proprioceptive Deep Tendon Reflex Therapy (P-DTR), founded by Dr.Jose Palomar (orthopedic surgeon),  is a revolutionary neuromuscular treatment method that addresses the system that gives our brain information about what's going on inside and outside the body - the Proprioceptive System. 

This system lets us know if we’re okay or if we need to adjust what we’re doing to protect ourselves. Consider it a type of "software" for the body. This software programming addresses pain, dysfunction, and weakness by resetting imbalances in the body’s nervous system.

Through manual muscle testing, a P-DTR® practitioner determines if muscles are inhibited or not functioning properly and using the tools in this method can provide a "neurological reset" of the brain to decrease or eliminate pain. 


"I just wanted to reach out and let you know how highly I think of you and your coaching - the personal attention, critical feedback, and sincere support.  I attended a Bar Method class with my wife and was so surprised at the lack of actual coaching. I ended up relying on the training you'd given me to engage this or rock that, to salvage some semblance of a workout.. You are truly a talented COACH!" - Bryan J - teacher

"Christine Law has been my fitness/rehab coach for many years, and has made a huge impact on the strength of my lower back.  I now can bike, ski, and run with little or no pain, because her assistance has truly strengthened and stabilized my core.   She has been a true life saver for me, and has brought me back to where I want to be!” - Ken M - Real Estate Investor

"Thank you for your positive and encouraging feedback Christine! I lost a total of 24.8 pounds as of this morning!  This program really works if you stick to it.  I feel like I'm in my twenties!" — Mark C - Photographer

Posture Training - ELDOA

ELDOA (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation OsteoArticulaire), or more easily translated to Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation of the Spine,  is a revolutionary technique created by World renowned Osteopath Dr. Guy Voyer. 

ELDOAs are postural self-normalizing techniques designed for widening the space within a chosen articulation. This is accomplished by creating fascial tension to fix the vertebra below and contraction in extreme range to normalize the vertebra above the targeted disc.  Dr. Voyer developed an ELDOA exercise for every articulation in the spine starting at the base of the skull and ending with the sacro-illiac joint. It is possible to create more room in a particular articulation with an exact position adapted to each person. 


Let me help you create a new level of health and vitality in your life. 

It all starts with a conversation.

Call me at 415-302-0205 or email -  Christine@kinetic-hpg.com to set up an appointment.

Christine Law Coaching @ Kinetic HPG

500 Tamal Plaza, Suite 517 Corte Madera, CA 94925

(415) 302-0205

Drop us a line!
